Does Green Tea Have Probiotics: And What Are The Effects?

Does Green Tea Have Probiotics: And What Are The Effects?

Does Green Tea Have Probiotics? Many people enjoy green tea for its taste and numerous purported health-promoting properties. Tea is rich in catechins; antioxidants that fight cell damage and may even help to prevent it! Antioxidants can have various positive health benefits. Green tea is abundant in polyphenol antioxidants, including a catechin called EGCG which…

11 Super Tasty Alternative Ways To Sweeten Tea Without Sugar

11 Super Tasty Alternative Ways To Sweeten Tea Without Sugar

How To Sweeten Tea Without Sugar Are you guilty of adding refined sugar to every cup of tea you drink, even though you realize you’re probably consuming way too much? The sugars we add to our food and drinks are in all likelihood the ones we should try to do without. However, it’s hard to…

11 Awesome Teas For Cramps: A Natural Painful Period Relief

11 Awesome Teas For Cramps: A Natural Painful Period Relief

Tea For Cramps Many women try to find natural relief for what is essentially a normal part of their period, menstrual cramps! Although a certain amount of bloating and discomfort is to be expected, it can still be rather painful and interfere with normal life. At worse painful periods can be completely debilitating. So if…

Lapsang Souchong Health Benefits: The Chinese Super Tea

Lapsang Souchong Health Benefits: The Chinese Super Tea

Lapsang Souchong Health Benefits Worldwide, tea is one of the most commonly consumed beverages. Its health-giving benefits are widely promoted. Nutritionists even advise us to incorporate this health-giving drink into our daily diets. What we drink as well as what we eat contributes to our overall health and well-being. Therefore, in order to manage a…